Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I have decided to create this new blog for one simple reason - to simply speak my mind on matters close to my heart or anything random, to record observations, perceptions and any insights that may arise from those observations.

In short to express a point of view of anything I feel compelled to say something about.

I may not be right with my views, in fact I may be entirely wrong. But to record these thoughts for the purpose of learning from or through them is the intention. To keep learning.

I will be traveling to the United States for 3 to 4 weeks from 24th April to 20 May. I hope to record my observations during this journey too..

So, welcome and thanks for dropping by. Stay on and visit me now and then - be free to share your views and challenge my observations or point of view. The spirit here is to learn and to deepen insights further. We may disagree but at least we have shared our thoughts honestly - that to me is a basis or a good start to a new friendship.


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